Welcome to the Customate blog!
Welcome to the Customate blog! My name is Capricorn, and I am the office manager here at Customate. To celebrate the launch of our brand new website, I’ve commandeered the blog so that every month I can keep you up to date with all the excitement and debates raging around the Customate offices, introduce some of our incredible personnel, and share news of our community projects like apprenticeships and upcoming charity days.

As a visitor to the Customate website, I know that efficiency, seamless production, cost savings and running a successful and sustainable business are important to you. So, this blog will be a secret window into the latest industry news, developments, innovations and regulations, just for you. Make a note to check back every month for insights and trade secrets that could make a big difference!
I hope you’re finding our revitalised website interesting, useful, and easy to navigate. In a fast-paced industry like ours, it can be easy to focus on the daily to-do list. But we realised it was time to step back for a moment and look at how we present our products and services to you, so I hope you enjoy our website, regular blogs and (If you love a bit of tagging and sharing) our social media!
In fact, I shouldn’t be distracting you here, when my admin’s building up, and there are many more informative products and services pages for you to discover. If we have what you need, or you want to chat about bespoke solutions, we’re just a tap away. Use our contact form [here] or give us a call, we’re always happy to help with queries, challenges, demands and dad jokes. If you have any requests for upcoming blog topics, send them in too. I’m always happy to take time to write about something you WANT to read!
See you next month. Till then, may your production lines run smoothly, Capricorn