Involved hands-on in the build of our equipment, Customate’s expert engineers offer unique end to end installation, activation, handover and support, taking you from design to switch on and beyond.

Experienced in installing equipment and systems in factories worldwide, Customate personnel operate to the highest health and safety standards. Designed to give you ultimate confidence, all our experienced engineers are practically involved in the manufacturing process. With intimate knowledge of every piece of equipment’s construction, installation and performance, you benefit from peak quality fitting, commissioning and testing.
With many years’ proud partnership installing for quality manufacturers including Meyn, Jamesway, Murzan and POSS. We offer the same level of knowledge, practical expertise and integrity for your total peace of mind. Understanding your cost and time priorities, all equipment undergoes thorough testing prior to installation, to ensure that everything is in working order prior to arriving on site.
Understanding new equipment may be replacing, extending or integrating with existing systems, services can include installation, decommissioning, commissioning, machine removal, equipment modifications, safety reviews and PUWER assessments. Once installed, our comprehensive handover includes demonstration and training to key members of staff. Responsive for queries, assistance and aftercare, you’re never left on your own.
- Worldwide experience installing equipment and systems to the highest health and safety standards
- Engineers involved in manufacturing processes, for complete installation knowledge and expertise
- Accredited installers for Meyn, Jamesway, Murzan and POSS
- Services include integration with exiting systems, equipment modification, decommissioning and removal
- Comprehensive handover, demonstration, training, safety assessments and aftercare