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Customate July Blog - 16/07/2024

Welcome to our July post, where we are celebrating Youth Employment Week!

Customate July Blog: Championing Youth Employment


This month, I want to delve into a topic that is not only vital for our future but also holds a special place in my heart as a mother of a teenager: youth employment.

Youth Employment Week

Young people today face unique challenges in the job market, being three times more likely to be unemployed compared to other age groups. This disparity highlights the need for increased awareness and support, which is why Youth Employment Week is so crucial. This week is dedicated to raising awareness about youth employment and showcasing the diverse skills and fresh perspectives that young people can bring to the workplace.

Customate’s Commitment to Talent Development

At Customate, we firmly believe in being a talent creator and investing in the next generation. Our local college apprenticeship partnership is a cornerstone of this commitment. I’m thrilled to share that our exceptional apprentice, Gabe Marshall, has successfully completed his first year as a Level 3 apprentice. Gabe’s journey has been inspiring and has quickly became an asset to the team, and we are excited to announce the creation of another apprenticeship role within our company. This initiative is a testament to our social purpose, aimed at having a positive impact and doing the right thing.

Supporting Future Talent

We believe in nurturing talent and providing opportunities for growth and development. Our apprenticeship program not only equips young people with valuable skills but also enriches our company with fresh ideas and perspectives. By investing in young talent, we are building a stronger future for both our company and our community.

Exciting Projects and Expansions

On another exciting note, we are currently busy with the design and fabrication of a large bespoke blood trough as part of a turnkey project for a new installation, as well the fabrication of a new steel frame ready to support a new poultry line sold by our partners at Meyn. The workshop has never been busier, which is a positive sign as our extension progresses smoothly. By the end of this year, I look forward to welcoming you all to my new office space, a symbol of our growth and continued commitment to excellence.

Personal Updates

On a personal note, I’m excited to share that I will be going on holiday this month. As the British summer so far this year has been a washout I look forward to some sun. Additionally, my wedding plans are coming along with hardly any help from my future husband.


In conclusion, supporting youth employment is not just a responsibility but a privilege. At Customate, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where young people can thrive and contribute meaningfully to our collective success. Let’s continue to support and invest in the next generation of talent, ensuring a brighter and more prosperous future for all.

Thank you for being a part of our journey.

Warm regards,
